Thursday 24 February 2011

What I did in Lesson 25/2/11

I tidied up documents on the project. My homework is to finish all of them and upload them to the ePortfolio. I wrote this blog post.

Thursday 27 January 2011

What I did in Lesson 28/1/11

I started to transfer all my evidence into the ePortfolio. I tidied and edited all evidence. I checked what evidence I yet had to produce. I wrote this blog post.

Friday 5 November 2010

What I did in Lesson 08/10/10

I created a table on each page, setting the cell padding and making the border width zero so it would not show up in the published version of the website. I set the table to a certain pixel width. I cut and paste all text into the tables, and inserted all the pictures on the CPR page and Dressing and Bandaging page. I completed the Dressing and Bandaging page. I put the Title banner and Navbar In a table above the main body table, and inserted the First Aid Web Logo. I wrote this blog.

What I did in Lesson 10/9/10

I completed the text on the Homepage and CPR page. I inserted pictures next to the instructions on the CPR page. I started on the Dressing and Bandaging page, setting heading and paragraph styles. I completed half of the page. I wrote this blog.

Thursday 26 August 2010

What I did in Lesson 27/8/10

I edited the page properties of the Homepage to put the paragraph widths in cm, so pixel size would not affect what the website looks like. I did the same for all the other pages. I set the text properties of all the pages, and edited some text on the Homepage and CPR page. I wrote this blog.

What I need to do over the next few lesssons

1. Enter all information into the website pages.
2. Put in pictures and decoration.
3. Make my CPR leaflet.
4. Put everything in my ePortfolio,
5. Meet with my client to review the website.

What I did over the Summer

I created a title image for each individual page in my website. I used fireworks as before. I pasted each image onto its respective page. I wrote the Introduction to the website on the Homepage, along with a instructions on how to make full use of the website, outlining its sections etc. I changed the page properties to put restrictions on the width of the paragraph. I wrote the instructions to Adult CPR on the CPR page. I wrote this blog.